Roaming the Exhibition Hall at World Dairy Expo always provides a deep dive into the dairy industry, and 2024 was no exception. Here are a few new products that caught our attention.
1. PediVue Lameness Detection System
Hoofcount has launched its patent-pending lameness detection system called PediVue. Mounted at the end of the Hoofcount footbath chute, a high-speed camera captures an image of each hoof as it exits the chute. Photos are then analyzed using a proprietary combination of machine learning and artificial intelligence. “If early signs of digital dermatitis are detected, the system alerts the user,” said Anthony Marsh, company founder and owner.
Courtesy of Manufacturer
2. Calf Hero Colostrum Management Products
Golden Calf Company introduced several new products to its colostrum management system. Its Autofill Station 3.0 has new features for internet connectivity and automated reporting, and allows for enhanced traceability. The Calf Hero X colostrum warmer and pasteurizer has three models to handle 12, 6, or 3 meals of colostrum in a more streamlined unit that fits easier in tighter spaces. It comes with built-in data logging and texting capabilities that allow for seamless tracking and monitoring of colostrum processing. A backup power option ensures continued operation during a power outage. “Our products are designed to provide colostrum management tools to producers,” said Dagmar Beckel-Machyckova, general manager of Golden Calf Company.
Mark Moore
Mark Moore
3. GEA Flow-Through Milk Meter
With GEA’s DigiFlow flow-through milk meter, milk flows continuously through large inlets and outlets, providing precise real-time milk measurements, even during the highest and lowest periods of milk flow. Stable vacuum levels provide the right balance between air and milk volumes, nearly eliminating vacuum fluctuations. Accurate detaching is more precise, thanks to better measuring capabilities. Conductivity and temperature monitoring during the milking and wash processes provide even more cow and parlor insights.
Mark Moore
4. Lifetime Ear Sensors
CowManager introduced its lifetime ear sensor, making it easier for producers to track movement throughout each life phase. The tag combines ear temperature and artificial intelligence with ever-evolving algorithms to provide accurate and actionable insights to better manage herds, from catching a disease early in a calf, to a heifer’s first heat, to identifying at-risk cows in their transition periods. The sensor is lightweight, smaller than previous models, and comes with a lifetime warranty.
Mark Moore
5. Bale Accumulator
The 521R and 421R Bale Accumulators provide round baler operators with the convenience of carrying multiple bales and grouping bales where you want them. Manufactured by RCI and designed for John Deere round balers, these bale accumulators are maneuverable and provide clear access to the rear bale net wrap compartment. An integrated camera system allows the operator to see the bale and accumulator in real time. Easy access controls in the cab allow quick dropping of bales when needed. An automatic option enables hands-free bale collection.
Mark Moore
6. Automatic Sort Gates
The Nedap SmartSort is a fully automated sorting gate that offers seamless integration with a variety of cow management systems. It allows for automatic sorting of cows based on heat or health status. Highly accurate, it is stress-free for cows and increases labor efficiency and safety. Comes assembled for quick and easy installation. Estimated cow flow capacity is 1,000-plus cows per hour on a two-way sort when configured correctly in the barn layout.
Courtesy of Manufacturer