He is an eyewitness to one of the greatest dramas of our time. Again and again. The nature photographer Thorsten Milse travels to different habitats with his camera. And experiences how the climate crisis, loss of habitat, poaching and environmental pollution are making survival increasingly difficult for many fascinating animals.
Thorsten Milse takes us in his The illustrated book “Survivor” takes you from the desert to the ice of the poles to the humid rainforests. The sensitive portraits of endangered wildlife draw attention to the fragility of unique habitats that may soon no longer exist. He shows us animals that have managed to conquer a gap in their ecosystem despite heat, drought and shrinking habitats. Not everyone will be able to adapt in the long term.
Tip for Hamburg
Torsten Milse's open-air photo exhibition in Überseeboulevard in Hafencity with over 50 different animal pictures can be seen until August 31, 2021.
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The United Nations fears we could soon lose a million species forever. It is not too late, but we must do everything we can to preserve nature's unique treasure. Many solutions have long been on the table. We from WWF never tire of developing projects, proposed solutions and concepts.
Declaration of love for diversity
Thorsten Milse succeeds in opening our eyes to this beauty with his pictures. Without developing catastrophe scenarios, his photos are a A silent appeal to appreciate the uniqueness of our planet and its animal inhabitants. His book is a declaration of love for the diversity of our planet and a photographic plea for the preservation of our planet, a task that not only nature conservation organizations face, but that an entire generation is faced with.
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Sustainable development that benefits people and nature is more urgent than ever. This includes finally recognizing the value of nature and involving local people in its protection. Because we humans are already on the Red List of Threatened Species. But many of us still don't want to admit it.
Thorsten Milse: Survivor – Endangered Species
Tecklenborg Publishing House
2021, 312 pages, €42
Part of the proceeds from the sale of the book go towards the current species conservation projects WWF.
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